Cydia Impactor Update XCode 7.3
You might be faced with an error message telling that “Please update to Xcode7.3” when you try to sideload apps. The developer Jay Saurik Freeman published a Twitter message telling that Cydia Impactor Xcode 7.3 error is due to an error in the server side. The new update changed the authentication of Apple accounts, which allows the non premium Apple developers to break Cydia Impactor. This has caused a lot of users to not work Cydia Impactor properly.
Cydia Impactor
With the resolution and development of the technology applications have been improved to download directly as these apps are not available in App store or Play store. Cydia Impactor is such an application used to install third party applications to iOS devices. Cydia Impactor is a Graphical User Interface application developed by an individual developer named Saurik. This app is available for world most famous major operating systems namely Apple, Mac and Linux.
How to fix Cydia Impactor “Update to Xcode 7.3 error”?
Furthermore Saurik also posted the steps to follow to solve the error. He has told the users to wait over a week until the new authentication scheme works. And he has also introduced alternatives to fix Cydia Impactor “Update to Xcode 7.3 error”.
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There are some few requirements to use the alternative methods.
The user must have an iOS device and a lightning cable. The user must also download Xcode from the Apple Dev Website in the Apple Dev Website. Moreover an iOS app signer is needed. It is needed to have a machine that runs a mac operating system, even a Hacktintosh or virtual machine also will work. Having an Apple ID is also required. The user must also have the IPA of the application that you are looking to sideload.
Below is the procedure to fix the “update to Xcode 7.3 error”
Step 1: Install the latest version of Xcode on the computer that runs the mac operating system.
Step 2: Move the program to applications and then open it.
Step 3: Navigate to settings after opening the Xcode and then add your Apple ID.
Step 4: Double click the ID in the right hand box then a window will open.
Step 5: Click the “create” button on the right side.
Step 6: Attach your iOS device in a new single project created on Xcode.
Step 7: Select the device and then select the Apple ID as a “team” and leave all as defaults.
Step 8: When the status bar is completed loading click the “play” button and then click “Run”.
Step 9: Then go for “general” in “settings” and click on “device management” and feel free to trust yourself as a developer there.
Step 10: Once it runs successfully in the device, download the “App signer” and follow the prompts.
Step 11: after opening the iOS app signer inputfile the app that you want to sideload.
Step 12: Start the programme and choose an output path and you must also name the file.
Step 13: Go to “Devices” in “Navigate to windows” after visiting Xcode.
Step 14: Select the device to get the loaded apps.
Step 15: Finally you can drag and drop or else you can click the plus sign(+) and sideload the newly signed application.